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Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Eichler

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Eichler

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Eichler

ZHAW School of Management and Law
Winterthur Institute of Health Economics
Gertrudstrasse 15
8401 Winterthur

Work at ZHAW


Health Services Research


Health Services Research with a focus on health economics: Relationship between quality (i.e. patient relevant outcome) and costs Over-/under-/mis-treatment and health economic aspects


  • Lecturer Health Economics
    Zurich University of Applied Sciences
    03 / 2007 - today
  • Research Associate: Evidence-based Health Care
    Horten Zentrum für praxisorientierte Forschung und Wissenstransfer
    01 / 2002 - 02 / 2007

Education and Continuing education

Continuing Education

  • Decision Analytic Modelling for Economic Evaluation
    University of Glasgow, UK
    09 / 2015
  • York Expert Workshop: Quality of Life
    University of York, UK
    05 / 2011
  • York Expert Workshop: Economic Evaluation in Health Care
    University of York, UK
    04 / 2007
  • Master of Public Health
    Swiss School of Public Health
    11 / 2000


Membership of networks


Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts