Dr. Evangelos Syrigos

Dr. Evangelos Syrigos
School of Management and Law
Center for Culture & Creativity in International Business (C3IB)
Work at ZHAW
- Decision making, HRM and AI
- Artificial Intelligence and Management
- Strategic Management and AI
Leading Digital Transformation and AI
Membership of networks
- Redefining Cross-Cultural Leadership / Deputy project leader / laufend
- AI Index Machine Learning Algorithms / Deputy project leader / abgeschlossen
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Kostopoulos, Konstantinos C., Nikos Bozionelos, and Evangelos Syrigos. "Ambidexterity and unit performance: Intellectual capital antecedents and cross‐level moderating effects of human resource practices." Human resource management 54.S1 (2015): s111-s132.
- Keil, Thomas, Markku Maula, and Evangelos Syrigos. "CEO entrepreneurial orientation, entrenchment, and firm value creation." Entrepreneurship theory and practice 41.4 (2017): 475-504.