Dr. Cornelia Hofmann

Dr. Cornelia Hofmann
School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Institute of Computational Life Sciences
8820 Wädenswil
Work at ZHAW
Lecturer for Physics & Mathematics
research background: Strong-Field Attosecond Physics. Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) Simulations for strong-field ionisation, numerical and analytic investigations into quantum tunnelling of electrons, quantum mechanical effects in photoelectron momentum distributions, High Harmonic Generation (HHG).
- Lecturer
08 / 2022 - today - SNF Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship
University College London
02 / 2020 - 04 / 2022 - Postdoc
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
04 / 2017 - 12 / 2019
Education and Continuing education
- Master of Higher Education, Teaching Diploma / Physics
ETH Zurich
09 / 2010 - 02 / 2017 - PhD Attosecond Physics / Physics
ETH Zurich
09 / 2012 - 10 / 2016 - MSc / Physics
ETH Zurich
09 / 2010 - 09 / 2012
Membership of networks
ORCID digital identifier
Publications before appointment at the ZHAW
- Kim, G., Hofmann, C., Maxwell, A. S., & Figueira De Morisson Faria, C. (2022). Twisted quantum interference in photoelectron holography with elliptically polarized fields. Physical Review A, 106(4), 043112.
- Hofmann, C., Bray, A., Koch, W., Ni, H., & Shvetsov-Shilovski, N. I. (2021). Quantum battles in attoscience: Tunnelling. The European Physical Journal D, 75(7), 208.
- Ortmann, L., Hofmann, C., Ivanov, I. A., & Landsman, A. S. (2021). Controlling quantum numbers and light emission of Rydberg states via the laser pulse duration. Physical Review A, 103(6), 063112.
- Ansari, I. N., Hofmann, C., Medišauskas, L., Lewenstein, M., Ciappina, M. F., & Dixit, G. (2021). Controlling polarization of attosecond pulses with plasmonic-enhanced bichromatic counter-rotating circularly polarized fields. Physical Review A, 103(1), 013104.
- Hofmann, C., Landsman, A. S., & Keller, U. (2019). Attoclock revisited on electron tunnelling time. Journal of Modern Optics, 66(10), 1052–1070.
- Ivanov, I. A., Hofmann, C., Ortmann, L., Landsman, A. S., Nam, C. H., & Kim, K. T. (2018). Instantaneous ionization rate as a functional derivative. Communications Physics, 1(1), 81.
- Ortmann, L., Hofmann, C., & Landsman, A. S. (2019). Erratum: Dependence of Rydberg-state creation by strong-field ionization on laser intensity [Phys. Rev. A 98 , 033415 (2018)]. Physical Review A, 99(1), 019901.
- Ortmann, L., Hofmann, C., & Landsman, A. S. (2018). Dependence of Rydberg-state creation by strong-field ionization on laser intensity. Physical Review A, 98(3), 033415.
- Zimmermann, T., Ortmann, L., Hofmann, C., Rost, J.-M., & Landsman, A. S. (2018). Attosecond streaking delays in multi-electron systems.
- Hofmann, C., Landsman, A., & Keller, U. (2018). Disentangling Long Trajectory Contributions in Two-Colour High Harmonic Generation. Applied Sciences, 8(3), 341.
- Bircher, M. P., Liberatore, E., Browning, N. J., Brickel, S., Hofmann, C., Patoz, A., Unke, O. T., Zimmermann, T., Chergui, M., Hamm, P., Keller, U., Meuwly, M., Woerner, H., Vaníček, J., & Rothlisberger, U. (2017). Nonadiabatic effects in electronic and nuclear dynamics. Structural Dynamics, 4(6), 061510.
- Hofmann, C., Zimmermann, T., Zielinski, A., & Landsman, A. S. (2016). Non-adiabatic imprints on the electron wave packet in strong field ionization with circular polarization. New Journal of Physics, 18(4), 043011.
- Emmanouilidou, A., Chen, A., Hofmann, C., Keller, U., & Landsman, A. S. (2015). The effect of electron–electron correlation on the attoclock experiment. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48(24), 245602.
- Hofmann, C., Landsman, A. S., Zielinski, A., Cirelli, C., Zimmermann, T., Scrinzi, A., & Keller, U. (2014). Interpreting electron-momentum distributions and nonadiabaticity in strong-field ionization. Physical Review A, 90(4), 043406.
- Landsman, A. S., Hofmann, C., Pfeiffer, A. N., Cirelli, C., & Keller, U. (2013). Unified Approach to Probing Coulomb Effects in Tunnel Ionization for Any Ellipticity of Laser Light. Physical Review Letters, 111(26), 263001.
- Hofmann, C., Landsman, A. S., Cirelli, C., Pfeiffer, A. N., & Keller, U. (2013). Comparison of different approaches to the longitudinal momentum spread after tunnel ionization. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 46(12), 125601.
- Landsman, A. S., Pfeiffer, A. N., Hofmann, C., Smolarski, M., Cirelli, C., & Keller, U. (2013). Rydberg state creation by tunnel ionization. New Journal of Physics, 15(1), 013001.
- Vockenhuber, C., Christl, M., Hofmann, C., Lachner, J., Müller, A. M., & Synal, H.-A. (2011). Accelerator mass spectrometry of 236U at low energies. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 269(24), 3199–3203.