Dr. Ali Darudi

Dr. Ali Darudi
School of Management and Law
Center for Energy and Environment
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur
Work at ZHAW
Project Lead - Researcher
Energy Economics, Electricity market modellig and design, System adequacy
- Postdoctoral researcher
University of Basel
01 / 2021 - 09 / 2023 - R&D research assistant
03 / 2014 - 08 / 2015
Education and Continuing education
- Economics / Energy
University of Basel
10 / 2015 - 12 / 2020 - Economics / Energy
Swiss program for beginning doctoral students at the Study Center Gerzensee
01 / 2016 - 01 / 2017 - Power Engineering
Master of Science
09 / 2011 - 08 / 2014 - Power Engineering
Bachelor of Science
09 / 2007 - 08 / 2011
Membership of networks
Swiss Association for Energy Economics
ORCID digital identifier
Social media
- Utility-scale storage in Switzerland: Needs assessment and support instruments / Co-project leader / laufend
- Demand for energy storage in Switzerland / Deputy project leader / laufend
- Relief in the electricity grid through innovative grid tariffs / Co-project leader / laufend
- Network Tariffs for Decentral Load Control / Co-project leader / laufend
- Integrating very high shares of decentralized renewable energy into the Swiss energy system: Electricity market design and policy / Team member / laufend
- The value of aggregators in a flexible and decentralized Swiss energy system / Team member / laufend
- Pathways to an efficient future energy system through flexibility and sector coupling / Team member / laufend