Ten sciencepreneurs to validate their innovative concepts in India
The Academia-Industry Training India programme of the Leading House South Asia and Iran is about to enter its next stage, with ten sciencepreneurs from Switzerland set to travel to Bengaluru at the end of November. They will explore the potential of their innovations in the Indian market and fine-tune their entrepreneurial skills.
The sciencepreneurs who take part in the Academia-Industry Training (AIT) India programme are developing the results of applied research into innovative products and solutions. They are interested in India as a potential market. The AIT 2023 participants come from the fields of cleantech, medtech, robotics, ICT and engineering. With their business ideas and start-ups, they prevailed in a competitive process in which they came up against other high-quality candidates.
During the camp week in India, the participants will learn about the opportunities presented by the promising yet challenging Indian market and will also have the chance to establish contacts with companies, potential investors and local entrepreneurs. What is more, they will get to validate their concepts with peers, experts and prospective clients. A second and final camp week is scheduled to take place in Switzerland at the end of February 2024.

Academia-Industry Training (AIT) India
The Academia-Industry Training (AIT) India programme is an innovation-based funding instrument of the Leading House South Asia and Iran. It is aimed at young researchers from Swiss universities, universities of applied sciences and universities of teacher education as well as from research institutes and centres of technological excellence who are founding members of science-based Swiss startups. The programme is being implemented with the partners Swissnex in India and Venturelab and will be held for the tenth time in 2023.