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School of Engineering

Language Courses

The following language courses are offered at the Institute of Language Competence and financially supported by the ZHAW School of Engineering during your studies. Students pay a contribution fee of CHF 80 per course, the remaining course costs are covered.

English courses

First-year BA students who wish to sign up for the International Profile and who have not reached the required B2 level in the Online English Placement Test (OET), or wish to consolidate their B2 level, can attend the "Preparation Course English for International Profile Level B2 (PreIP)" in the spring semester and repeat the OET at the end of the semester.

The courses "Exam Preparation: English C1 (Advanced/CAE), part 2" can be attended by all students who have reached a level B2+ (OET or certificate) and wish to prepare for the CAE exam (level C1) throughout their studies

German as a Foreign Language

Für fremdsprachige Studierende werden die folgenden Deutschkurse gefördert:

Ihre Anmeldung wird definitiv, wenn Sie Ihre Deutschkenntnisse mit einem anerkannten Zertifikat (z. B. Goethe-Zertifikat) nachweisen oder den ILC-Einstufungstest gemacht haben.

Studierende zahlen einen Kostenbeitrag von 80 CHF/Kurs, die restlichen Kurskosten werden übernommen. Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung an, dass Sie an der School of Engineering studieren.