Osborne Checklist
Background: Structured process for guided idea development along 10 verbs.
Goal: Systematic idea generation from already existing ideas. Focuses on product and process ideas. Is helpful for post-processing brainstorming/-writing and mind mapping.
Approach: The existing idea is applied to 10 different verbs. 1) use differently; 2) adapt; 3) modify; 4) enlarge; 5) reduce; 6) replace; 7) rearrange; 8) invert; 9) combine; 10) eliminate. Each of these verbs can be transferred as questions to the object under consideration.
The questions are e.g. (to 1) use differently) "Are there alternative uses, as it is?" and "Are there alternative uses, if it is adapted?" then adjust transition to 2): "What more is there, like this?", "What ideas does it inspire?"... to 3) change "What can I remove?", "What can I change? (colour, form, sound, movement, direction)" ...These questions are systematically based on each other and are known as the Osborne checklist (extensive list of questions e.g. on Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osborn-Checkliste). Can be worked on in a team or individually, chronologically or arbitrarily.
Advantage: gives the feeling of having systematically examined all aspects of an idea. Complementary-structuring for ideas, which were gained from other methods.
Disadvantage: Tends to be only good for existing ideas, products or processes. Can be time-consuming if the team gets bogged down in individual questions for too long.
Further link: https://kreativitätstechniken.info/osborn-checkliste/