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dokspot - Highly Trustworthy Service for Linking Physical Products with Digital Information

Auf einen Blick

  • Projektleiter/in : Prof. Dr. Marc Rennhard
  • Stellv. Projektleiter/in : Kevin Lapagna
  • Projektteam : Moritz Zollinger
  • Projektvolumen : CHF 540'000
  • Projektstatus : abgeschlossen
  • Drittmittelgeber : KTI
  • Projektpartner : dokspot GmbH
  • Kontaktperson : Marc Rennhard


dokspot aims at transforming the way companies handle product instructions by providing an innovative paperless and trustworthy solution. dokspot makes sure that users can easily and quickly find the correct instructions for a specific product online. With an innovative security solution, dokspot provides high assurance that users get the original, untampered instructions, which allows its application in even most safety-critical areas such as the medical device industry.
