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DC4HC – Digital Competence for Healthcare

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The Innosuisse project, Digital Competence for Healthcare (DC4HC), aims to develop a digital platform that will support Swiss healthcare institutions in their digital transformation efforts. In particular, the focus of DC4HC is on the non-medical support services. A state-of-the-art digital maturity model framework based on scientific methods will be developed, allowing healthcare institutions to assess and benchmark the digital maturity of their non-medical support services. Using machine learning (ML), the platform will be able to automatically provide strategic, tactical and operational options for taking action. With this information and the data obtained, healthcare institutions will be able to create digitalization projects, roadmaps and master plans, in addition to forming strategic partnerships. While existing benchmarks retrospectively compare and interpret data, the ML-driven digital maturity assessment on the DC4HC platform aims to provide suggestions for possible solutions, offering organizations a predictable future-oriented approach for their digital transformation project. Furthermore, throughout their digital transformation journey, the healthcare institutions will be able to continuously re-evaluate their digital maturity and benchmark their progress. This additional information will also be used to further improve the ML-algorithms, providing more precise digital transformation options. The platform is developed by an interdisciplinary consortium consisting of a Swiss startup, two consulting companies with expertise in healthcare and facility management, four healthcare institutions and two universities.
