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Component-based Tendering

Prototyping and transformation of the swiss building services catalogue

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Building Information Modeling (BIM) is fundamentally changing the way we work in the construction industry. The object of this applied research project was to test and specify an innovation idea for a data-based service in the field of tendering for its relevance to end users. ZHAW supported CRB in collecting and evaluating the perspective of the planners (i.e. architects, construction managers) on the actual and target situation of a tender on the basis of a BIM model contents.

Set of methods: design thinking, contextual enquiries, customer journey mapping, prototyping.
The project team worked with the phase model of Design Thinking: Understanding/observing - condensing - generating ideas - prototyping - testing. The current situation and the characteristics of a relevant solution were determined via contextual enquiries with specialist planners and architects from various offices. With this knowledge about the view and needs of the planners, the changed working method during the tendering process was reflected in a functional prototype. This iteratively developed functional prototype made the innovation idea tangible for the planners and enabled constructive feedback on the solution.
A series of workshops on the methods used in the project (prototyping, problem definitions, personas, idea generation/creativity techniques) at CRB ensured the long-term anchoring of innovative and agile ways of thinking and working beyond the project.

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