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Research guide to resources on media, companies and markets

Databases on markets, competitors and technologies assist you in the process of collecting and analysing data.


The table below provides an overview of the databases in the area of media, companies and markets. Please note that databases marked with an asterisk (*) require special access information. You will find more information in the details of each database.

Title Content
ABI/Inform company profiles
market reports
Business Source Premier company profiles
industry information
market reports archives of various Swiss newspapers
company profiles
daily and weekly newspapers (focused on Europe)
industry information
industry statistics
market reports
Gartner market reports (IT sector)
Nexis Uni
company profiles
country reports
daily and weekly newspapers (contains more American publications)
swiss register of companies
NZZ Online company profiles
daily and weekly newspapers
Orbis* company information (contains also unlisted companies)
company profiles
industry statistics
market reports
Passport* company profiles of the top international players in the industry
country reports
global reports
reports, forecasts and infographics on various sector categories
Swissdox essentials daily and weekly newspapers (focused on Switzerland)
WISO German-language journals on sociology, social work, business and economics and political science

* Requires access information. You will find more information in the details of each database.

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