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Prof. Dr. Marlies Whitehouse

Prof. Dr. Marlies Whitehouse

Prof. Dr. Marlies Whitehouse

ZHAW School of Applied Linguistics
Institute of Language Competence
Theaterstrasse 17
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 61 69

Work at ZHAW



Communication in a society based on the division of labour, transdisciplinary text production research with a focus on the financial sector. Fields of application: specialised languages, professional communication and writing, financial communication, intercultural aspects of text production and reception



  • Chair Finance Committee
    ABC Association for Business Communication
    01 / 2024 - today
  • Expert for national thesis competition of graduates
    Science and Youth
    01 / 2024 - today
  • Associate editor
    de Gruyter Handbook of Applied Linguistics Series
    01 / 2019 - today
  • Associate editor
    IJBC International Journal of Business Communication
    01 / 2018 - today
  • CEO
    TextMatters. Zurich
    07 / 2013 - today
  • Treasurer
    AILA International Association of Applied Linguistics
    08 / 2017 - 08 / 2024
  • Research associate, secretary general
    ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, School of Applied Linguistics
    08 / 2017 - 01 / 2023
  • Research associate
    ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, School of Applied Linguistics
    08 / 2014 - 07 / 2017
  • Communication and writing coach in financial analysis
    Zurich Cantonalbank, Switzerland
    09 / 2000 - 07 / 2014
  • Member of editorial board, newsletter
    Zurich Cantonalbank, Switzerland
    01 / 2012 - 12 / 2013
  • Communication and writing coach in financial analysis
    Credit Suisse First Boston
    08 / 1997 - 01 / 2000
  • Financial analyst fixed income research
    Credit Suisse First Boston
    01 / 1995 - 12 / 1996
  • Client advisor for major commercial customers
    Swiss Bank Corporation
    09 / 1991 - 12 / 1994

Education and Continuing education


  • PhD (summa cum laude) / Communication Sciences. Title: Writing in finance. Improving the communicative potential of financial analysts’ recommendations
    USI Università della Svizzera italiana USI, Switzerland
    09 / 2017 - 02 / 2022
  • Master of Arts / Japanese, German literature, English literature. Title: Japanese readings of Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis"
    UZH University of Zurich, Switzerland
    09 / 1994 - 12 / 2003

Continuing Education

  • Higher education didactics
    PHZ Zurich University of Education, Switzerland. Title: Valid testing in teaching
    06 / 2023
  • Writing coaching
    ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, Switzerland. Title: Professional writing in financial communication. The example of equity analysis
    06 / 2013


Membership of networks


Text of the month. Dolores
Literature House Zurich, Switzerland
01 / 2007

Social media

Media presence



Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Books and monographs, peer-reviewed
Book parts, peer-reviewed
Conference contributions, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts

Publications before appointment at the ZHAW