Ramona Leue

Ramona Leue
School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Research Group for Food Technology
8820 Wädenswil
- Two-step foaming freezing technology for natural off-flavor free vegan ice cream / Co-project leader / laufend
- Valorization of Swiss Agri-Food Side Streams / Team member / laufend
- Fruit to Bar – Innovative post-harvest processing of de-pulped cocoa beans and pulp thereof for single source chocolate / Team member / abgeschlossen
- CREATE – Microorganisms to foster pulses-based healthy food / Team member / abgeschlossen
- PiFoBake: Particel stabilized foams with high mechanical and thermal resiliance for the application in baked goods from non-wheat raw materials / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Strategies to reduce mycotoxins in grain side product streams enabling their reintroduction into the food value chain / Team member / abgeschlossen
- Strategies to reduce food loss and valorize side streams in food industry: buildup of an industrial consortium / Team member / abgeschlossen
- InnoBUN - Development and application of a multifunctional sourdough in buns / Team member / abgeschlossen
Schmid, Tamara; Leue, Ramona; Müller, Nadina,
Heat and shear stability of particle stabilised foams for application in gluten‑free bread.
Journal of Food Science and Technology.
60(11), pp. 2772-2781.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-023-05794-0
Rüegg, Ramona; Schmid, Tamara; Hollenstein, Lukas; Müller, Nadina,
Effect of particle characteristics and foaming parameters on resulting foam quality and stability.
LWT - Food Science and Technology.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2022.113859
Kinner, Mathias; Rüegg, Ramona; Weber, Claudia A.; Buchli, Jürg; Durrer, Ludwig; Müller, Nadina,
Impact of selected baking and vacuum cooling parameters on the quality of toast bread.
Journal of Food Science and Technology.
58(12), pp. 4578-4586.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-020-04945-x
Schmid, Tamara; Baumer, Beatrice; Rüegg, Ramona; Näf, Patrick; Kinner, Mathias; Müller, Nadina,
International Journal of Food Science & Technology.
55(8), pp. 2990-2999.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.14564
Geiger, Philippe; Buchli, Jürg; Rüegg, Ramona; Müller, Nadina,
Evaluation of the effect of a novel membrane filtration system on the life span of frying oil.
International Journal of Food Science & Technology.
56(4), pp. 1844-1854.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.14811