Thomas Hofstetter
Thomas Hofstetter
School of Life Sciences and Facility Management
Institute of Natural Resource Sciences
Grüentalstrasse 14
8820 Wädenswil
Work at ZHAW
Research Associate Environmental Education
- Environmental Education
- Education for Sustainable Development
- Transformative learning
- Outdoor and Experiental Education
- Module Environmental Education
- Module Didactics and Communication
- Module Educational practice
- Module Fundamentals of Environmental Systems and Sustainable Development 1
- Module Fundamentals of Environmental Systems and Sustainable Development 2
- Module Learning Region
- CAS Nature-based environmental education
- CAS Outdoor Education - Summer
- CAS Forest, Landscape, Health
Education and Continuing education
- Master of Arts / Environment and Education
University of Rostock
09 / 2009 - 07 / 2011 - Diploma / Environmental Engineer in Environmental Education
University of Applied Sciences Wädenswil
10 / 2003 - 09 / 2007
Continuing Education
- Certificate of Advanced Studies "Teams"
Institute of Applied Psychology, ZHAW
10 / 2017 - Adult Educator
Youth and Sports
09 / 2013 - Hiking Guide
04 / 2012 - Trainer for experiential education and outdoor training
Drudel 11 - experience and learn
10 / 2009
Membership of networks
- Conference on environmental education
- ERBINAT Professional Association for Experience and Education in Nature
- SAGUF AG Education for Sustainable Development
- Movetia-Projekt "Urbane Umweltbildung" / Project leader / Project ongoing
- Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen / Team member / Project ongoing
- Entwicklung Machbarkeit "Erlebnis Thur" / Project leader / Project completed
- Dekarbonisierungsausstellung Umweltarena: Umsetzung, Entwicklung Texte und Materialien / Team member / Project completed
- Spielraumkonzept für Wädenswil: Überprüfung und Weiterentwicklung / Team member / Project completed
- Natürliche Schulhausareale / Team member / Project completed
- TransformRegio - unterschiedliche Theorien und Konzepte im Kontext von Transformation und nachhaltiger Entwicklung / Project leader / Project completed
- Nachhaltiger Lernort Schloss Hegi / Team member / Project completed
- Blumenschatzwiesen - Naturerfahrungsraum Trockenwiesen Schams / Team member / Project completed
- Neugestaltung Spielplatz Schönegg / Team member / Project completed
Hunziker, Rebecca; Hofstetter, Thomas,
Mountain Research and Development.
40(4), pp. R17-R24.
Available from:
Hofstetter, Thomas,
Naturparkpflege mit Firmen und Schulklassen.
Thema Umwelt.
2018(4), pp. 16-17.
Hofstetter, Thomas,
Der Regionale Naturpark Schaffhausen
Naturforschende Gesellschaft Schaffhausen; Demmerle, Susi, eds.,
Regionaler Naturpark Schaffhausen : der Natur auf der Spur.
ott verlag.
pp. 11.
Hofstetter, Thomas; Johnson, Alice; Sironi, Helene; Wilhelm, Sandra; et al.,
Umweltbildung für die grosse Transformation.
3. Collaboration Lab der Fachkonferenz Umweltbildung, Biel/Bienne, Schweiz, 7. November 2022.