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Study Professional Profile of Fundraisers in 2040

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In order to have more reliable insights into employment conditions, salary ranges, and wage levels in fundraising, and thus significantly improve the information status of fundraising salaries, Swissfundraising decided in 2013 to conduct a salary survey among its members in collaboration with ZHAW. The salary survey was successfully conducted for the second time in 2017 and for the third time in 2020. In the meantime, new trends and developments such as those surrounding the topic of New Work emerge, raising the question of how the professional profile of fundraisers will evolve in the future.

The aim of the study is to conduct a first nationwide survey to analyze the professional profile of fundraisers with a future-oriented perspective in Switzerland. In addition to examining the general salary level based on organizational and socio-demographic variables (analogous to the salary surveys conducted in 2013, 2017, and 2020), a comparison will be made over a period of 10 years (study years: 2013, 2017, 2020, and 2024) with the previously conducted salary surveys. In addition to collecting salary and additional benefits data from fundraisers in Switzerland, the study also focuses on the framework conditions, competency development of fundraisers in Switzerland, as well as trends and developments.

To achieve the aforementioned objectives, the longitudinal study adopts a mixed-methods approach (desk research, expert interviews, and quantitative survey).

The following experts from the fields of fundraising, NPO management, human resources, new work, competency development, econometrics, and the labor market are consulted:

  • Prof. Dr. Leticia Labaronne, Expert in Fundraising und NPO Management - ZHAW School of Management and Law, Center for Arts Management
  • Prof. Dr. Andrea Müller, Expert in Human Resources, New Work and Competency Development - ZHAW School of Applied Psychology, Center for Human Resources & Corporate Learning
  • Dr. Dario Fauceglia, Expert in Econometrics and the Labor Market - ZHAW School of Management and Law, Center for Labor, Digital and Regional Economics