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Service Catalogue for Non-medical Support Services in Hospitals (LekaS)

SN EN 15221-4 adapted, expanded and commented branchspecifically

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For a long time, little attention had been given to the non-medical support services in hospitals. The importance of Facility / Infrastructure Management became clear after the introduction of SwissDRG and the resulting sensitivity to effectiveness and cost. Especially when taking a more exact, holistic approach to the allocation of costs to the different medical cases from a more pronounced process- oriented perspective, it is essential to know the services to be performed, their impacts on each other and the related expenses. The norm «SN EN 15221-4 (2011) Facility Management: Taxonomy, Classification and Structures in Facility Management» provides a first basis for the distinct definition of services in the area of non-medical support services. As a general norm, it does not go into the specific healthcare background, though. In the present Service Catalogue for non-medical Support Services (LekaS), the services are adapted, expanded and commented upon to make them more industry-specific. This catalogue is the first step towards more clarity and transparency in the non-medical support area. Thereafter, further topics can be taken on systematically (e.g. clearer cost allocation, benchmarking, good practices of service level agreements, process improvements, application landscape, etc.).

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