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Scientific monitoring and evaluation of a pilot project

Initial situation

Based on the guiding principle "Attention where it is most lacking", the ADHS Digital team has set itself the goal of developing a multimodal intervention concept in order to demonstrably improve the prognosis, diagnosis and therapy of ADHD and optimize the care of those affected and their environment by combining analog methods and new digital solutions. The project ties in with the idea of "roundtables", whereby not only ADHD-affected children and adolescents, but also other key players from the environment of the affected person (e.g. parents, teachers, medical professionals) come together and, going beyond bilateral discussion constellations, jointly seek solutions in organization, communication and therapy (decision-making) for the affected child or adolescent.


Within the framework of a 2-year pilot phase (2020 - 2022), a digital intervention is to be developed, which will then be prescribed and used nationwide in Germany by health care providers (e.g. pediatricians) and health insurance companies.

The ZHAW is responsible for the scientific monitoring and evaluation of the pilot project. The individual development steps will be tested taking into account the needs of different stakeholder groups.


The accompanying study includes an evaluation of the digital intervention, whereby the needs and requirements of various stakeholder groups from different settings (school, medicine, family) around the topic of ADHD are surveyed using qualitative and quantitative methods:

Publications and reports

The results of the accompanying study are expected at the end of 2022. They will be discussed formatively with the ADHS-Digital core team as well as the "Advisory Board", which accompanies the project strategically and in terms of content.

Project organization