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Professional careers and roles in the context of changing formations in nursing in Switzerland

At a glance

  • Project leader : René Schaffert
  • Co-project leader : Prof. Dr. Peter Rüesch
  • Project team : Hannele Hediger, Dominik Robin
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : Federal government (SBFI Berufsbildungsforschungsförderung)
  • Project partner : Eidgenössische Hochschule für Berufsbildung EHB, Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale HES-SO, Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana SUPSI
  • Contact person : René Schaffert


In the context of changes in training and education in the field of nursing and the existing and expected shortage in the workforce, it is crucial to have scientific knowledge to the entry into the profession and the professional careers of nurse.

The main goal of this study is to investigate the entry into the profession of nurses with focus on the early professional careers and the professional roles.

The study used a mixed-methods design with a quantitative survey in two waves and additional qualitative interviews with nurse entering the profession.

Main results revealed that:

  • 92% of the nurses still work in the field of nursing one year after graduation.

  • Nine out of ten nurses intend to stay in their profession in the coming ten years, but half of them expect better conditions to do so.

  • To stay longer in the profession participants expect higher salaries, better reconciliation of work and family life, more support by the management, and better working hours.

  • Seven out of eight nurse intend to attend continuing education and training programs in the first three years after graduation.

Further information
