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SwissSTES - Swiss Seasonal Thermal Energy Storage Action Plan and Implementation


Substituting fossil fuels with renewable energies will not be feasible without a massive expansion of seasonal energy storage. Seasonal thermal energy storage (STES) can make a significant contribution here. To date, the importance of STES for improving security of supply has been overlooked, although it has a great potential to reduce dependence on fossil fuel imports, maximize the integration of renewable energies and waste heat, reduce peak demand and close the electricity gap in winter.SwissSTES addresses this issue by taking a holistic approach. It systematically explores STES opportunities such as available and unused cavities, aquifers or underground reservoirs and delivers novel STES technologies together with a systemic action and implementation plan for Switzerland. The highly interdisciplinary consortium closes the prevailing research and knowledge gap and brings together all relevant stakeholders from science, industry and society to drive the innovation needed to establish STES as a sustainable and compelling concept in Switzerland.In close collaboration with industry partners, new STES products, business ecosystems, legal frameworks and socio-political measures will be developed to take STES to the next level of implementation. Regional case studies form the framework for the introduction of future pilot and demonstration projects throughout Switzerland.

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