Young people and the Corona period
An investigation in the German-Dutch border region
At a glance
- Co-project leader : Prof. Dr. Dirk Baier, Lothar Janssen, Prof. Dr. Mark Levels, Prof. Dr. Trudie Schils, Michael Weigand
- Project team : Dr. Per Bles
- Project status : completed
- Funding partner : EU and other international programmes (euregio rhein-maas-nord)
- Project partner : Lern- und Bildungsakademie Mönchengladbach, Schweizer Institut für Gewaltfragen SIFG, Maastricht University
Since March 2020, many societies found themselves in a state of
emergency due to the Corona pandemic. Various measures were
implemented, which were aimed in particular at reducing social
contact and which changed people's everyday lives to an
unprecedented extent. One group that can be classified as
particularly vulnerable in relation to these measures is that of
young people. Due to their developmental stage of transition from
childhood to adulthood, they are in a crucial phase for identity
formation. The concern is well-founded that they suffer more from
the measures taken than other age groups and in reaction form
maladaptive strategies of coping with the stresses. This concern
was the starting point for the project, which addressed the
following main questions by means of standardised surveys in the
German-Dutch border region:
1. Does the well-being of young people suffer in times of the
Corona pandemic?
2. What forms of coping with the pandemic and the measures
associated with it can be identified among young people?
3. How did young people's family relationships and friendships
develop during the Corona pandemic?
4. What do young people currently think about the Euregio
Rhine-Meuse-North? Did the attizudes towards the neighbouring
country and its inhabitants changed as a result of the pandemic
policy? What do the young people want from the Euregio in the
Weigand, Michael; Baier, Dirk; Janssen, Lothar; Levels, Mark; Schils, Trudie; Bles, Per,
JUNCO : Jugendliche und die Coronazeit – eine Untersuchung im Dt.-Nl. Grenzgebiet.
Lem- und Bildungsakademie Mönchengladbach.
ISBN 978-3-9821584-1-9.
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