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Actionable Insights and Business Intelligence based on Applied Sciences Messaging Patterns

Business Intelligence for ZHAW E-Mails

At a glance

  • Project leader : Dr. Josef Spillner
  • Project team : Panagiotis Gkikopoulos
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : Internal (ZHAW digital / Digital Futures Fund)
  • Contact person : Josef Spillner


Researchers in an applied sciences context, including at Zurich University of Applied Sciences, have no adequate means to gain insights into their past e-mail and chat communication. Usually this communication archive is a treasure - a hidden gem - when trying to remember contacts, project opportunities, commitments, open tasks and so forth. This project delivers a proof-of-concept prototype aiming at filling the gap for everybody involved in research and acquisition activities. The prototype will scan messaging archives, such as e-mail inboxes, to extract messaging patterns. Based on the raw findings, it will present consumable charts, relations and business metrics as convenient web service. Moreover, it will generate actionable advice to improve the efficient handling of incoming messages.