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The Role of General Practitioners in Trauma Care

An analysis of care pathways of trauma patients based on SUVA insurance data

At a glance

  • Project leader : Dr. Marc Höglinger
  • Project team : Prof. Dr. Klaus Eichler, Fabio Knöfler
  • Project budget : CHF 50'000
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : Third party (Suva)
  • Project partner : Suva
  • Contact person : Marc Höglinger


Primary care physicians (PCP) play an essential role in the provision of care in the Swiss healthcare system. In our study, we analyze the role of PCP in trauma care: (1) to what extent and when PCP provide first care after injury, (2) whether they act as single care provider or refer patients to other providers, and  (3) what role they play in the follow-up care. Using a unique claims dataset from the largest Swiss Accident Insurer SUVA with N=2.2 million injury cases, we analyze regional differences in the role of primary care physicians, differences between various socio-demographic patient groups and different types of injuries. Our results shed light on the role of PCPs in trauma care and provide valuable insights into the training needs of PCPs.
