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Background to jihadist radicalisation in Switzerland

An exploratory study with recommendations for prevention and intervention

At a glance

  • Project leader : Dr. Mirjam Eser Davolio
  • Project team : Dr. Elisa Banfi, Milena Gehrig, Dr. Brigitta Gerber, Dr. Eva Mey, Dr. Ilona Möwe, Dominik Müller, Dr. Dilyara Müller-Suleymanova, Isabelle Steiner, Dr. Carole Villiger, Laurent Wicht
  • Project budget : CHF 75'000
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : Federal government (Staatssekretariat für Migration SEM, Direktion für Völkerrecht des EDA, Fachstelle für Rassismusbekämpfung des EDI)
  • Contact person : Mirjam Eser Davolio


Within the scope of this exploratory study, a variety of approaches were chosen to analyse the phenomenon of jihadist radicalisation and the processes by which young people are drawn to it at both the individual and social or community level. A wide range of actors who are likely to come into contact with this phenomenon were questioned about their perception and assessment of the situation, as well as their experience in handling such cases and their need for support. The results show that the stakeholders are generally equipped to deal with youth violence and have establisthed collaborative networks, but lack the background knowledge and orientation required for effective prevention and intervention strategies with regard to this particular phenomenon. There is need for support and further training in this area, as well as demand for a central point of contact.

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