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Sensory Gardens

Comparison of Physiological Responses to Therapeutic Sensory Stimulation Garden and Indoor Multi-Sensory Room on Patients with Special Needs

Different plants stimulate different senses.

At a glance

  • Project leader : Martina Föhn
  • Co-project leader : Dr. Hazreena Hussein
  • Project budget : CHF 10'000
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : EU and other international programmes (ETH Global)
  • Project partner : University of Malaya
  • Contact person : Martina Föhn


Researchers in environmental psychology, health studies and urban design are interested in the relationship between the environment, behavior settings and emotions. A reliable investigation method is needed for detail exploration of soft fascination possible effects. Therefore, a suitable garden should be identified to have a therapeutic sensory stimulation to users. Furthermore, quantitative methods of brain activities will be investigated to record and analyze the emotional experience and cognitive abilities.