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Evaluation "Flipped Classroom"

Didactic Comparison between Traditional Teaching and Flipped Classroom

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In the spring semester 2014, the module "Algorithms and Data Structures" with 3 groups of 25 students each will be conducted at the ZHAW, School of Engineering. Two groups are taught in the traditional lecture format, one group is taught according to the "flipped classroom" method.The research project will ask students and lecturers about their experiences and how they deal with the two teaching methods. Teaching design and materials are evaluated with regard to "good teaching" on the basis of quality criteria for teaching didactics. The study includes:

  • Online survey of all 75 students of the 3 courses at the beginning and end of the semester.  Descriptive evaluation, group comparisons
  • Standardised interviews with 3 lecturers
  • Analysis of the teaching design (semester plan, possible preps for individual lessons / lectures) and the teaching material used (book, documents, slides, video, exercises) on the basis of didactic quality criteria.
  • Group comparison of the preliminary grades, as well as the practical and module grades of the 75 students
  • Results report with the name of the sample, method and results in tabular form and interpretation of the data.
