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Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research, Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility

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The Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research - Efficient Technologies and Systems for Mobility (SCCER Mobility) is a research program, which initiated in January 2014 and received continued funding until 2020. The central aim of the program is to foster research and develop competences in selected thematic areas where new solutions and products need to be developed in the near future to drastically reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions as well as other pollutants in the Swiss transport sector.

With the overarching goal of developing technologies and creating the knowledge necessary to address the future environmental and energy related challenges in the Swiss transport sector, synergies are created between five areas of research. These so-called Capacity Areas serve as platforms bringing together research teams from all around Switzerland, from the ETH-Domain as well as from universities of applied sciences and cantonal universities. In this sense, SCCER Mobility is unique not only because it is a collaboration between different academic institutions, but also because involved researchers represent various disciplines (engineering, natural and socio-economic sciences). In addition, many relevant Swiss and foreign companies from industry actively participate in this long-term effort towards sustainable mobility.

The Institute for Sustainable Development INE participates in the Capacity Area B2 "Integrated assessment of mobility systems" (Topic B2.1: The role of socio-economic dynamics in the transformation process).

We address the socio-economic system transformation on a micro-, meso- and macro-level and developed a transformation framework. To understand processes better, a definition of the "Swiss Mobility System" is  developed and filled by empirical research on regionalized data, with focus on socio-economic developments as changing working environment and lifestyles. Based on this, differentiated measures to support the

process of change related to socio-economic trends can be derived.

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