Language technologies
New technologies in the fields of translation and interpreting
Language professions are no longer conceivable without digital tools and language technologies. We analyse your needs and advise you on a variety of applications, ranging from CAT tools and machine translation to the latest applications in the field of LLMs and AI.
CAT tools and machine translation

We offer an analysis of the most suitable tools for our clients, put forward strategy proposals for introducing CAT tools and machine translation, provide continuing education for users and give advice on how to integrate these tools into workflows.
Find out more:
- Project: Use of machine translation in healthcare
- Continuing education: Language technology and pre- and post-editing of machine translations (in German)
Pre- and post-editing of MT

We design workshops and in-depth continuing education modules that provide an insight into the technological background of machine translation and offer advice on pre- and post-editing procedures as well as on the cognitive and motivational aspects of working with machine translation.
Find out more:
- Project: Cognitive Load in Interpreting and Translation
- Continuing education course: Pre- and post-editing of machine translation (in German)

Our spectrum ranges from automatically generated transcriptions of corporate films that are then post-edited to make them fit for use to subtitles for people with hearing impairments and manually created, interlingual subtitles for festivals and cinemas. It also covers every step along the way: from selecting the best tools for the job at hand and applying them in an efficient and practical manner to the finished product itself.
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SEO and web-optimised translation

We support you with our expertise in the areas of web-friendly writing, search engine optimisation, working with content management systems and using CAT tools when translating HTML and XML files.
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We offer workshops and in-depth continuing education modules on how to localise your texts and marketing materials for other language regions and cultures.
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Use of augmented reality

Augmented reality technologies make it possible to detach digital content from your desktop computer and integrate it into your physical environment. We show you what potential AR offers you and what is suitable for your use case. We also support you by analysing your needs or with studies on the cognitive ergonomics of AR applications in the language services sector.
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MT and AI literacy

We offer consulting on the introduction and use of machine translation in organisations outside the languages services sector as well as strategic advice on the introduction of tools and workshops for users from different backgrounds.
Find out more:
- Continuing education course: Prompt engineering for multilingual communication (in German)
- Project: Digital literacy in university contexts (DigLit) (in German)
- Project: Translation apps for carers from abroad – potential and needs analysis
- Project: Machine translation for crisis communication
- Project: Machine translation for academic texts
- Project: Machine translation literacy for academics
IUED@school: a service for schools and teachers

The IUED offers special training courses, workshops and consultations on the topics of language technologies and languages professions. The workshops are aimed at school pupils and teachers alike.
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Multilingual text optimisation and terminology
Successful multilingual communication is the be-all and end-all in today's international corporate world. We help you in getting your message across accurately and comprehensibly both orally and in writing in several languages.
Multilingual communication and text optimisation

Is your company having difficulties with communication? The challenge is all the greater if communication doesn’t only have to be distributed in one language, but rather in several. Corporate communication is an important building block for ensuring a company’s success. We help you to discover how monolingual and multilingual texts, conversations and discourse can be optimised and structured in a more comprehensible manner.
Find out more:
- Project: Lessons learned: COVID-19 communication with the migrant population 2022-2023
- Project: Health communication
- Project: Energy discourse and phraseology
- Project: Written communication in dialogical situations
- Project: Quality and expertise in discourse

Terminology management ensures clear and unambiguous communication in companies. Our consultancy services cover all aspects of terminology management: from introducing terminology management itself and designing a terminology database to effective terminology controls. We also design and conduct tailored continuing education courses in this area.
Find out more:
- Website of the Centre for Terminology (in German)
- Project: CMI: comprehensive invoices for medical services
Change management and development of soft skills
The language industry is undergoing rapid change. We help you in developing the required soft skills and expertise to stay well-positioned and on the ball in language professions.
Change management at LSPs and multilingual organisations in the context of the technological transformation

We support research-based change processes in the language industry. This includes analysing best practices, harmonising processes, creating new synergies, reorganising workflows following the introduction of technologies and repositioning language services.
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Development of presentation and consultancy expertise

We offer training for language service providers and language professionals that gives them with the tools to provide advice in a confident manner, justify their decisions and explain what they do convincingly.
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Ergonomic aspects of a translator’s workplace

We advise our clients in the language industry on the ergonomic design of workplaces and work processes.
Find out more:
- Project: The ergonomics of socio-technical systems and reflective practice
- Project: Cognitive and physical ergonomics of translation