Continuing education
Where language comes up for discussion: interactive and practical learning

CAS and DAS programmes in the areas of job-related communication and didactics with German as a foreign/second language
Our offer includes CAS courses (Certificate of Advanced Studies, one to two semesters, 12 to 15 ECTS credits) and a DAS course (Diploma of Advanced Studies, approx. four semester, 30 ECTS credits). Both formats allow for you to hone the skills relevant to your profession in a comprehensive fashion.
ZHAW language centre
The language courses offered internally by the ZHAW include eight foreign languages and are aimed at students and staff.
Courses in German as a foreign/second language (DaF/DaZ)
Our range of German courses comprises courses covering levels B1 to C2, German for professional and student life as well as special courses. Our detailed course descriptions are available in German only. Please do not hesitate to contact us in person if you would like advice in English. Your contact person is Mirjam Mbumaston. As a Goethe-Institut Examination Centre, we also offer specific examination training.
Courses in university and language didactics
The high communicative demands encountered in the working world not only represent a challenge to students of all disciplines, but also to lecturers. In our continuing education courses for university lecturers, we therefore teach communication skills with a practical orientation.