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ZHAW digital - Instructions


You want to make your activities more visible on our pages? We’re glad to hear it! If you have content that is not covered below, then get in touch at and we’ll gladly help you out. Please also reach out with any other questions.

German and English

ZHAW digital is bilingual so we’d appreciate it if you published your content in both German and English. That way, everyone has access to the entire spectrum of the digital world at ZHAW. For instructions on how to publish your content in multiple languages, please refer to the corresponding documentation. Is German not your strength? Get in touch and we’ll see how we can support you.


Publications are pulled automatically from the digitalcollection via plugin. For all instructions about the digitalcollection refer to the wiki.


For new publications, you can add the webfeed “ZHAW digital” during data entry and you’ll be displayed automatically. You can find the webfeeds on the fifth page of the form, just before uploading. The page begins with two lists of departments and organizational units. After that comes the list with the webfeeds.


For existing publications, you can contact the digitalcollection directly – – and ask them to add the webfeed. Entries cannot be changed by the author after publication.


Projects are pulled automatically from the project database via plugin. For all instructions about the project database refer to the wiki.



For new projects, you can add the webfeed “ZHAW digital” during data entry and you’ll be displayed automatically. You can find the webfeeds at the very bottom in the section “Medien & Open Data”. The last option are the webfeeds.


For existing projects, you can edit your project and add the webfeed yourself. The responsible people in the Strategic Affairs Office R&D will do a quality check and approve the changes.


News & Events


News and events are pulled automatically via plugins. For all instructions for news see here and for events see here.


Add the category “Themen/Digitale Transformation” to your news and event postings and the content will be displayed automatically. Note: the list is not alphabetized, and the category is towards the Bottom.

Blog Posts

All relevant blog posts are added to our blog feed directly by the good people of Corporate Communications. So, you don’t have to do anything. If your blog works with tags/categories it doesn’t hurt to add a tag/category for digital transformation on the blog itself.

Educational Offers

We always keep an eye on the ever-changing list of educational offers at the ZHAW and will link the ones that seem relevant to us. Since this is done manually we would appreciate it if you let us know if a) there is a new offer and b) an offer no longer exists.