Leah Reicherzer
Leah Reicherzer
School of Health Sciences
Institute of Physiotherapy
Work at ZHAW
Research Associate
- Research Assistant
04 / 2020 - 04 / 2022 - Research Assistant
Heidelberg University
02 / 2019 - 10 / 2019 - Physiotherapist in varous settings in outpatient and inpatient geriatric rehabilitation
01 / 2017 - 01 / 2019
Education and Continuing education
- M. Med. Sc. / Public Health Science with Health Economics
University of Gothenburg
09 / 2017 - 01 / 2020 - B.Sc. / Physiotherapy
Alice-Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Berlin
09 / 2013 - 09 / 2017
Continuing Education
- Good Clinical Practice Training
TRREE Training and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation
11 / 2022 - Weiterbildung "Wirkungsvoll kommunizieren"
Business Tools AG
06 / 2022 - Project Management
ZHAW School of Management and Law
09 / 2021 - Data Science: Visualization
07 / 2021
ORCID digital identifier
- Entscheidungsprozesse zur Beurteilung der Stabilität von Wohnsituationen in Alterswohnungen - Entwicklung einer Entscheidungshilfe / Team member / Project ongoing
- Ethical dimensions of digital technology-assisted physiotherapy: fundamentals for ethics education of physiotherapists / Team member / Project ongoing
- Autonomous Ageing at home in the digital age / Team member / Project ongoing
- Konzeptentwicklung «Matchmaker» / Team member / Project ongoing
- The Course and Neuroplasticity in Neck Pain-Associated Disorders and Whiplash-Associated Disorders in the General Population / Team member / Project ongoing
- Die Rolle der Care-Migration in der gemeindenahen Gesundheitsversorgung älterer Menschen in der Schweiz / Team member / Project completed
- Literaturrecherche Exoskelette / Team member / Project completed
- Gemeindebasierte Netzwerke für autonomes Wohnen im Alter am richtigen Ort / Team member / Project completed
- SUPER-B: Supervised preoperative rehabilitation in patients scheduled for lumbar spinal surgery – A scoping review / Team member / Project completed
- Berufliche Situation von Physiotherapeuten und -therapeutinnen im Schweizer Gesundheitswesen / Project leader / Project completed
- Zielgruppenprofile in der Tabakprävention / Team member / Project completed
- Definition and validation of use cases for the application of the MyoSuit / Team member / Project completed
- Evaluation of the Professionals' and Patients’ Perceptions and Practices of Remote, Digital Physiotherapy during the Corona Pandemic / Team member / Project completed
- T-Chair II – Assistive therapy concept for trunk balance & stability after stroke / Team member / Project completed
- Entwicklung von Advanced Physiotherapy Practice (APP)-Modellen in der Schweiz / Team member / Project completed
Krygowski, Jaroslaw; Reicherzer, Leah; Marcin, Thimo,
Swiss Medical Weekly.
154(1), pp. 3536.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.57187/s.3536
Reicherzer, Leah; Scheermesser, Mandy; Kläy, Adrian; Duarte, Jaime; Graf, Eveline,
JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.2196/52676
Reicherzer, Leah; Wirz, Markus; Nast, Irina,
19(04), pp. 180-189.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1055/a-2001-4705
Reicherzer, Leah; Wirz, Markus; Wieber, Frank; Graf, Eveline,
Frontiers in Psychology.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.982302
Schuster-Amft, Corina; Kool, Jan; Möller, J. Carsten; Schweinfurther, Raoul; Ernst, Markus; Reicherzer, Leah; Ziller, Carina; Schwab, Martin E.; Wieser, Simon; Wirz, Markus; Menig, Alexandra; Paredes, Liliana P.; Rosemeier, Heike,
Pilot and Feasibility Studies.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40814-022-01086-0
Scheermesser, Mandy; Reicherzer, Leah; Beyer, Swantje; Gisi, David; Rezek, Spencer; Hess, Thomas; Wirz, Markus; Rausch Osthoff, Anne-Kathrin,
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
16, pp. 2337-2350.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.2147/COPD.S315130
Rausch, Anne-Kathrin; Baur, Heiner; Reicherzer, Leah; Wirz, Markus; Keller, Fabienne; Opsommer, Emmanuelle; Schoeb, Veronika; Vercelli, Stefano; Barbero, Marco,
Archives of Physiotherapy.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40945-021-00112-3
Reicherzer, Leah; Scheermesser, Mandy; Kläy, Adrian; Duarte, Jaime E.; Graf, Eveline,
RehabWeek, Singapore, 24-28 September 2023.
ZHAW Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.21256/zhaw-28890
Morf, Rita; Reicherzer, Leah; Degenfellner, Jürgen; Ernst, Markus; Pfeiffer, Fabian; Luomajoki, Hannu; Hasenbring, Monika; Hotz-Boendermaker, Sabina,
Available from: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/DFY2J