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Prof. Dr. Monika Ulrike Reif

Prof. Dr. Monika Ulrike Reif

Prof. Dr. Monika Ulrike Reif

ZHAW School of Engineering
Sicherheitskritische Systeme B
Technikumstrasse 9
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 47 90

Work at ZHAW


  • Head of Research/Focus Area Safety Critical Systems Research Lab
  • Professor of Safety Critical Systems
  • Lectures in Safety and Systems Engineering, RAMS, Mathematics and Physics
  • Applied Research on Safety Critical Systems


  • Safety and Certification of Artificial Intelligence (Safe AI)
  • Safety of autonomous Systems
  • Functional Safety ISO26262, DIN EN 5012x, IEC 61508
  • Reliability, Availability and Safety (RAMS) of complex programmable Systems (E/E/PE systems)
  • Reliability and Availability of mechanical Systems


Lectures in Safety and Systems Engineering, RAMS, Mathematics and Physics


  • Co-Head of the Safety Critical Systems Research Lab; Professor of Safety-Critical Systems
    06 / 2023 - today
  • Senior Lecturer in the Safety Critical Systems Research Lab
    03 / 2014 - 05 / 2023
  • Safety engineer in the locomotive division
    Bombardier Transportation
    06 / 2012 - 02 / 2014
  • Development Engineer Functional Safety Chassis Control Systems
    01 / 2007 - 05 / 2012
  • Scientific assistent at the Institute of Machine Components (Reliability Engineering)
    University of Stuttgart
    06 / 2003 - 12 / 2006

Education and Continuing education


  • Dr. Eng. / Mechanical Engineering, Reliability Engineering
    University of Stuttgart
    06 / 2003 - 10 / 2008
  • Dipl. Eng. / Mechanical Engineering
    University of Stuttgart
    08 / 1998 - 05 / 2003

Continuing Education

  • IEEE CertifAIEd Authorized Lead Assessor
    04 / 2024
  • Certificate for University Didactics
    Universities of Baden-Württemberg
    10 / 2016



  • VDI Ring of Honors
    VDI - The Association of German Engineers
    12 / 2010
  • Artur-Fischer-Preis
    07 / 2003



Conference contributions, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts

Publications before appointment at the ZHAW

  • Trost, M: Gesamtheitliche Anlagenmodellierung und -analyse auf Basis stochastischer Netzverfahren. Dissertation 2008, Universität Stuttgart, Institutsbericht Nr. 128. (Holistic Modelling and Analysis of Production Facilities based on Stochastic Nets).
  • Trost, M.; Jäger, P.; Bertsche, B.: Realitätsnahe Analyse und Verbesserung von Instandhaltungsprozessen. AKIDA 2006, Aachen, 14.-15.11.2006.
  • Trost, M.; Nebel, S.; Bertsche, B.: An Approach to Integrate Uncertainties in Petri Nets to Evaluate the Worthiness of Repair. ESREL 2006-Conference, Estoril, Portugal, 18. - 22.09.2006.
  • Trost, M.; Nebel, S.; Bertsche, B.: Modellierungs- und Simulationsumgebung REALIST. EKA 2006, Braunschweig, 29.-31.05.2006.
  • Trost, M.: Modellierung und Analyse eines Logistikszenarios einer Ersatzteilversorgung. VDI-Seminar „Neue Methoden in der Zuverlässigkeitstechnik“, Hamburg, 04.-05.04.2006.
  • Müller, J.; Trost, M.: Tutorial Petrinetze – Grundlagen, Modellierungsaspekte, Beispiele. VDI-Seminar „Neue Methoden in der Zuverlässigkeitstechnik“, Hamburg, 04.-05.04.2006.
  • Jäger, P.; Trost, M. Bertsche, B.: A new Approach to Evaluate the Worthiness of Repair. RAMS 2006 Conference, Newport Beach, CA, USA, 23.01.-26.01.2006.
  • Trost, M.; Bertsche B.: Optimisation of the Design Process by Means of Availability Modelling. ICED 2005-Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 16.08. – 18.08.2005.
  • Trost, M.; Bertsche B.: Petri Net Modeling of Production Systems in Consideration of System Properties, Maintenance and Production Processes. ESREL 2005-Conference, Gdansk, Poland, 27.07. – 30.07.2005.
  • Trost, M.; Nebel, S.; Pozsgai, P.; Bertsche B.: Modellierung komplexer Systeme mit Hilfe stochastischer Netzverfahren. TTZ 2005, Stuttgart, 07./08.04.2005.