Dr. Tomasz Orpiszewski
Dr. Tomasz Orpiszewski
School of Management and Law
Fachstelle für Asset Management
Gertrudstrasse 8
8400 Winterthur
- Digitising Environmental Impacts using Geospatial Analytics / Deputy project leader / Project ongoing
- Data-based Screening and Monitoring Methods for Tracking Environmental and Social Dynamic around Gold Mines / Project leader / Project ongoing
- Climate Rating for Real Estate Portfolios / Deputy project leader / Project ongoing
- Spatial sustainable finance: Satellite-based ratings of company footprints in biodiversity and water / Team member / Project ongoing
- Investor and Stakeholder Tools for Tracking Companies’ Climate Commitments, Greenwashing and ESG Trends / Team member / Project ongoing
- Development of Customizable ESG-compliant Financial Products for Swiss Asset Owners and Managers / Project leader / Project ongoing
- BioVaR – Assessing and Digitizing Risk Exposure Resulting from Biodiversity Loss / Project co-leader / Project completed
- ERREP - ESG Rating for Real Estate Portfolios / Project co-leader / Project completed
- Employing Natural Language Processing to identify inconsistencies in companies’ non-financial communication / Project leader / Project completed
- Tech4SDG – Guiding Swiss Asset Managers towards High-Impact SMEs / Project co-leader / Project completed
- Environmental and Social Assessment at Mine Sites using Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics / Deputy project leader / Project completed
- Sozial-ökologische Ratingmethode für Produkte und Dienstleistungen entlang ihrer Wertschöpfungskette / Team member / Project completed
- Evidence-based Sustainable Finance / Project leader / Project completed
- New Generation of ESG Indices / Project leader / Project completed
- Feeder Structure for the Swiss Social Exchange / Project leader / Project completed
- Hybrid Approach for Robust Identification and Measurement of Investors Driving Corporate Sustainability and Innovation. Design of Policy Tools for Evaluating the Impact of Specific Investors and Assessing the Quality of Companies’ Investor Bases. / Project leader / Project completed
- Systematic and Automated Investment Process for Selection of Investment Funds / Project leader / Project completed
- Climate Value-at-Risk: Ein Paradigmenwechsel in der nachhaltigen Asset-Allokation durch passive, CO2-Emissions-optimierte Anlagestrategien / Team member / Project completed
- Investment Process for Niche and Alternative Products / Project leader / Project completed
- Currency hedging for SMEs and pension funds / Team member / Project completed
Posth, Jan-Alexander; Schwendner, Peter; Laube, Patrick; Orpiszewski, Tomasz,
Available from: https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4784271
Orpiszewski, Tomasz; Thompson, Mark James; Schwendner, Peter,
The stock and option market response to negative ESG news.
Available from: https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4478825
Hadjikyriakou, Phanos; Orpiszewski, Tomasz; Posth, Jan-Alexander,
Climate indices for listed equity : comparing different methods to minimise climate risk exposure
FINANCING THE LOW-CARBON ECONOMY : Instruments, Barriers and Recommendations.
Swiss Sustainable Finance.
pp. 20-23.
Available from: https://www.sustainablefinance.ch/upload/cms/user/2020_11_19_Financing_the_Low_Carbon_Economy_EN_full_report_final.pdf
Götz, Michael; Itten, René; Orpiszewski, Tomasz; Hauser, Leon; Laube, Patrick,
World Resources Forum, Geneva, Switzerland, 4-6 September 2023.
Orpiszewski, Tomasz; Schwendner, Peter; Thompson, Mark James,
How do stocks react to negative ESG incidents?.
SSF/ZHAW Novel Data Solutions: Big Data and AI for Sustainable Investing - from Biodiversity Risks to Sustainable Gold, Zurich, Switzerland, 2 November 2022.
Thompson, Mark James; Orpiszewski, Tomasz; Laube, Patrick; Kaya, Orcun,
TECH4SDG : guiding Swiss asset managers towards high-impact SMEs.
SSF/ZHAW Novel Data Solutions: Big Data and AI for Sustainable Investing - from Biodiversity Risks to Sustainable Gold, Zurich, Switzerland, 2 November 2022.