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Ursula Meidert Lic. phil.

Ursula Meidert

Ursula Meidert Lic. phil.

ZHAW School of Health Sciences
Institute of Public Health
Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9
8400 Winterthur

+41 (0) 58 934 67 02

Work at ZHAW


health promotion and prevention, technologies in healthcare, unconscious/implicit bias in health care, diversity in health care


Seniour Lecturer in Health Promotion and Prevention and interprofessional modules


  • Research Associate on the topic of Unconscious Bias
    ZHAW, School of Health Sciences
    09 / 2021 - today
  • Seniour Lecturer in Health Promotion and Prevention
    ZHAW, School of Health Sciences, Instute of Public Health
    03 / 2018 - today
  • Research Associate
    ZHAW, Research and Development Occupational Therapy
    05 / 2012 - 08 / 2021
  • Research Associate
    University of Zurich, Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute
    09 / 2008 - 08 / 2014
  • Project Coach
    Cocomo - professional integretion for recognised refugees
    09 / 2007 - 12 / 2008
  • Scientific Project Administrator
    University of Zurich, Insitute of Education
    08 / 2004 - 12 / 2006

Education and Continuing education


Master / Sociology, social psychology, political sciences
University of Zurich
10 / 2001 - 05 / 2007

Continuing Education

  • CAS in higher education
    Zurich University of Teacher Education
    01 / 2016
  • CAS in Coaching
    University of Zurich
    12 / 2008


Membership of networks

Board member of the Health and Medical Sociology Research Committee


teaching award (3rd place)
07 / 2016



Articles in scientific journal, peer-reviewed
Books and monographs, peer-reviewed
Book parts, peer-reviewed
Conference contributions, peer-reviewed
Other publications
Oral conference contributions and abstracts