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ZHAW magazine “Impact” now with an online edition in English

“Impact” is going global: From now on, you can read more about ZHAW in English. In connection with the International Evening on 8 November, ZHAW is launching an English online edition of the university magazine “Impact”.

The idea has been in our minds for a long time, now it has become a reality – finally: In connection with the International Evening 2021, which will take place online on 8 November, we are starting the English website of “Impact”, the official magazine of ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences.

The motto of the International Evening – “Building Global Bridges With You” – was the trigger for our English online edition. From now on we will publish selected articles in English about research, study, continuing education and people at ZHAW.

As a university of applied sciences that cooperates both nationally and internationally, ZHAW has been active in a multilingual environment for quite some time. We maintain a worldwide dialogue with students, lecturers, experts and institutions in different languages. The departments of ZHAW foster partnerships in 61 countries and stay in contact with a total of 495 partner universities worldwide.

The internationalization of universities has become increasingly important in recent years, this is also true for ZHAW. Internationalization is an important component of the university strategy 2015–2025. In particular, this involves positioning ZHAW as a globally active player in studies and research, including the mobility of students and academic staff.

Crossing borders and looking beyond one's own world is becoming increasingly important in an interconnected world. To do this, you don't have to figuratively open up the globe, as the people in the inspiring cover picture by graphic artist Till Martin do. It is enough to start communicating internationally and disseminating information in such a way that it can be read, shared and discussed in other cultural circles. The English edition of "Impact" aims to contribute to this, as well as to a growing international awareness and networking at ZHAW. We wish you an interesting read an are looking forward to building global bridges with you.