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Final report from our project on network charges for flexible loads (NETFLEX)

“The final report from our project on network charges for flexible loads (#NETFLEX) was published this week. We are planning to take a more detailed look at the findings as part of P&D projects, the #PATHFNDR consortium as well as a continuing education course on smart meter strategies (starting in autumn).

The final report from our project on network charges for flexible loads (#NETFLEX) was published this week.

We recommend the following:

  • For capacity-dependent costs: dynamic tariffs that depend on the network load, differentiate between the different quality levels
  • For topology-dependent costs: regionally designed, higher basic components.

In addition to network charges, the management of flexible loads should also take into account savings on the spot market as well as other sources of revenue. For example, through appliance-specific energy supply contracts from specialised providers for flexible loads such as those of electric cars, heat pumps and boilers.

We are planning to take a more detailed look at the findings as part of P&D projects, the #PATHFNDR consortium as well as a continuing education course on smart meter strategies (starting in autumn).