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School of Management and Law

Corporate Management Education

“We are your competent partner for developing continuing education concepts and implementing customized management programs in your company.”


Christian Olivier Graf, Head of Continuing & Corporate Education, Department of International Business

More and more organizations are choosing educational programs that are tailored to their specific needs and deliver leadership and specialist skills relevant to the business.

In today’s complex corporate world, companies need competent leaders with sound business knowledge to seize market opportunities and implement appropriate strategies.

Targeted employee development is a vital link in the chain. Continuing education programs give participants renewed motivation, strengthen their innovative abilities, and add value to their companies in the long term.

Continuing Education Options

Before developing a program, we will meet with you to discuss your entrepreneurial challenges and evaluate suitable continuing education options that will support your business goals. Possible program formats include:

The Value of Customized Education Programs

A company’s knowledge base is the sum of the experience, values, and information contributed by each employee. Corporate management education provides the opportunity to make the most of this valuable resource by sharing existing experience, acquiring new knowledge, and creating a synergy that benefits the entire company. Focus areas can include:

A Broad Spectrum of Topics

Our continuing education programs are based on companies’ specific needs and cover management topics such as:

The programs are available in English or German (other languages on request).

Individual Learning Formats

Our programs combine traditional and digital forms of teaching and learning

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