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School of Applied Psychology

Brand Studies since 2004

How does brand communication work, and what messages are transmitted via various channels?

Psychological Brand Management

Based on marketing, personality, communication and relationship theories, we are studying how brand communication works and what messages are transmitted via various channels (such as billboards or TV commercials). We analyse the personality or the image of brands and the associated drivers for purchasing behaviour.

In recent years we have developed various innovative tools for psychological brand management and implemented them successfully in the world of practice. The developments were supported by institutions such as the Swiss National Science Foundation or the Suzanne and Hans Biäsch Foundation.

We have a working relationship with the communication and advertising agency By Heart; in this way we have a direct connection to the world of practice. The instruments that we developed were used for diverse brands and industries. Clients and partners in business are, among others:

Project leader

Gregor Waller

Gregor Waller

Co-Head of Section Media Psychology

+41 (0) 58 934 84 57