Media use
Research projects in this area mainly investigate media use by children and adolescents but also by other age cohorts.
Overview of research projects

Every two years over 1,000 young people aged from 12 to 19, spread across all three of Switzerland's major linguistic regions, are asked about how they use various media. The survey includes questions about non-media leisure activities and media-related habits (e.g. mobile phone, Internet, and video games).
Conducted every two years since 2010, the JAMES Study uncovers adolescents’ media use in Switzerland. In the interim years the data are analysed in depth, and specific topics are written up in the form of JAMESfocus reports.
KiDiCoTi – Kids' Digital lives in Corona times

As part of the Europe-wide study "Kids' Digital lives in Corona times (KiDiCoTi)", parents living in Switzerland and their children ages 10–18 were surveyed in spring 2020. We assessed how children and adolescents and their parents used digital media during the COVID-19-related lockdown.

The MIKE Study examines media use in a representative group of primary school children in Switzerland. MIKE stands for Medien, Interaktion, Kinder, Eltern (media, interaction, children, parents). The study surveyed more than 1,000 children aged 6 to 13 years and more than 600 parents in Switzerland's three largest language regions.
Adolescents and film culture

The movie theatres are losing young audiences. Auteur films in particular are not drawing in large teenage audiences.
A national survey of 1,000 young people aged 12-18 was then conducted in the fall of 2007. Based on the findings, possible ways to promote young people’s interest in high-quality films were suggested.