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Foto-Interessen-Test F-I-T, Series 2016

New job photographs

To be able to depict the world of occupations as realistically as possible, vocational counselors and photographers Gubler and Gerosa developed photographs of jobs that are updated periodically. There are about 130 job photographs, which are used as a tool on their own or as an integrated part of the Foto-Interessen-Test (F-I-T).
The F-I-T is based on Erwin Egloff’s occupational system (with nine occupational fields), which is in widespread use in Switzerland, and on John L. Holland’s vocational interest types (six interest dimensions).
The photographs and the F-I-T are used in vocational and career counseling to identify vocational interests.
The new job photographs will be examined psychometrically, and norms for young people and adults will be updated.

Study design
A sample of approximately 500 young people in grade 8 at secondary schools with basic and advanced courses will be surveyed online and non-recurring. 

Project leader

Dr. Stephan Toggweiler

Dr. Stephan Toggweiler

Lecturer at the Institute of Psychology, ...

+41 (0) 58 934 84 69


Schweizerisches Dienstleistungszentrum Berufsbildung, Berufs-, Studien- und Laufbahnberatung SDBB