Parental smartphone use in the pre- and postnatal period
This study examines how expecting parents use their smartphones. The study focuses on parents’ attitudes toward their smartphone use and on parent-child interaction. The study is a research cooperation between the ZHAW School of Applied Psychology and the ZHAW School of Health Professions within the framework of “Digital Lives”, a research initiative of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).
Smart start

Smartphones are entwined with the world we know today and are pervasively present in our everyday lives. Smartphones allow expecting parents to find information and entertainment as well as to keep in touch with others. However, the birth of their first child is a life-changing event, and many parents wonder if and how their smartphone use affects their relationship with their child.
We are interested in how you, as new parents, use your smartphones and how you experience your smartphone use. We are focusing on both mothers’ and fathers’ perspectives as well as on parent-child interaction. There will be three assessment times: during the last trimester of pregnancy, 6 to 8 weeks after your baby is born, and 3 to 4 months after your baby is born.
All information and personal data will be handled confidentially.
Two disciplines – one research goal
This study on smartphone use by new parents is being conducted in cooperation by researchers at the ZHAW Schools of Applied Psychology and Health Professions within the national research initiative “Digital Lives”.
The ZHAW School of Applied Psychology research unit ‘Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology’ conducts research in the areas of psychotherapy, counselling, and diagnostics for adults and children and research on infants.
The ZHAW School of Health Professions research unit ‘Midwifery Science’ conducts research in the area of sustainable obstetrics, prioritizing the best possible care of women, children, and families.