Business services
Those who are there for others are also allowed to accept help: what we offer is geared towards organisations, teams, professionals and leaders from the social welfare system, who provide quality services and want to develop further in a future-oriented manner.
Expertise and consulting skills
We draw on the experience and skills of our experts from our school’s various fields of activity, in a way that suits the respective problem. Their wide-ranging know-how is incorporated into carefully designed consulting processes. What we pass on to our clients for use in practice, we also put into practice ourselves, in our own everyday working lives. All the while, we are guided by values such as commitment, respect, appreciation and goal orientation. We give our clients a high degree of satisfaction by accelerating their innovation processes, optimising workflows and making conflicts manageable. We engage with our target groups and identify their needs within their environment. We thus develop an understanding of where assistance is required and which individual solution promises success.
Comprehensive range of services and clear goals
Whatever is to be optimised, implemented or set up in the domain of social work, we advise and support individuals, teams and organisations in a professional and goal-oriented manner, also on site. To this end, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of services and consulting in a wide variety of different forms, divided into the following four thematic fields:
- Supervision, coaching and mediation
Supervision of individuals, groups and teams, managerial and project-based coaching, conflict consulting, mediation, and team development - Consulting for organisations
Organisational consulting
Support of service development processes, innovation processes, leadership development and strategy development - Specialist consulting
Tailored continuing education, consulting on advanced vocational training and human resource development, concept development, appraisals, professional expertise, and evaluations - Information services
Online directory of addresses for social aid («Soziale Hilfe von A–Z»), selected press articles from the social services, and a publication on funds and foundations («Fonds und Stiftungen»)