New antileishmanial and antitrypanosomal drugs
Auf einen Blick
- Projektleiter/in : Prof. Dr. Rainer Riedl
- Projektteam : Dr. Stefano Agnello, Dr. Michael Brand, Flavio Gall, Dr. Silvia Gazzola, Luka Raguz
- Projektvolumen : CHF 2'043'672
- Projektstatus : abgeschlossen
- Drittmittelgeber : KTI (KTI-Projekt / Projekt Nr. 19208.1 PFLS-LS)
- Projektpartner : BACOBA AG
- Kontaktperson : Rainer Riedl
The aim is to develop a natural product derived LEAD compound with unrivalled potency against a parasitic disease into a clinical drug candidate, through preclinical development. This includes the establishment of a detailed structure-activity relationship (SAR), medicinal chemistry and organic synthesis, ADME-Tox optimization, formulation, and in vivo studies.
Brand, Michael; Wang, Lei; Agnello, Stefano; Gazzola, Silvia; Gall, Flavio; Raguž, Luka; Kaiser, Marcel; Schmidt, Remo S.; Ritschl, Amélie; Jelk, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew; Mäser, Pascal; Bütikofer, Peter; Adams, Michael; Riedl, Rainer,
Angewandte Chemie: International Edition.
60(28), S. 15613-15621.
Verfügbar unter:
Brand, Michael; Wang, Lei; Agnello, Stefano; Gazzola, Silvia; Gall, Flavio; Raguž, Luka; Kaiser, Marcel; Schmidt, Remo S.; Ritschl, Amélie; Jelk, Jennifer; Hemphill, Andrew; Mäser, Pascal; Bütikofer, Peter; Adams, Michael; Riedl, Rainer,
Angewandte Chemie.
133(28), S. 15741-15749.
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