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MA Programme Cooperation

Master of Arts in Journalism

In collaboration with the Hamburg Media School (HMS), the School of Applied Linguistics’ Institute of Applied Media Studies (IAM) offers an Executive Master of Arts in Journalism (EMAJ). The curriculum is designed to enable course participants to study alongside their professional employment duties.

This two-year, part-time programme lasts two years and earns its graduates 90 ECTS credits. It is designed for professionals poised to embark on a management career in journalism. Students acquire the skills and knowledge they will need to lead journalism successfully into the digital future. Graduates from the programme receive a master’s degree jointly awarded by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and the Hamburg University of Technology and are then also eligible to pursue doctoral studies.

The curriculum is based on recognised international standards in the teaching of journalism. It has the following three key areas of emphasis:

  1. Techniques of journalistic narrative and reporting
  2. Editorial management and leadership skills
  3. Participative strategies and quality-assurance methods.