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What are the needs of Zurich’s 30-39-year-olds?

People aged 30 to 39 are the largest age group in the city of Zurich. What are their needs, and how can the city, together with other stakeholders, incorporate these needs into its strategies?

These questions were investigated in a ZHAW study on behalf of the Office for Urban Development Zurich (STEZ). Based on the results of the study and on a statistical evaluation of secondary data, the research team has formulated action strategies and recommendations for the city. These also reflect insights from current debates on possible solutions in other cities. Recommendations were given in the form of approaches that still need to be discussed and developed further along with representatives of the age group and the city of Zurich. These recommendations constitute new perspectives and food for thought and invite stakeholders to take up and continue discussions, and to go into selected topics in more depth.

Various types of needs

The respondents’ most urgent needs fall into four different categories.

Housing: In the area of housing, the respondents wish above all for more affordable housing space and for more promotion of social housing. They also deem it important to have meeting places in areas on the outskirts of the city, which would promote creative businesses and consumption, be suitable for the younger age groups and favour diversity.

Reconciliation of family and work life: The study participants consider it important for concrete difficulties in relation to reconciling family and work life to be analysed with regard to child care. They see problems in the decentralised child care services and relatively inflexible care times. The services offered should be better adapted to job requirements. Furthermore, costs for child care are currently too high.

Quality of life and open spaces: The respondents appreciate Zurich very much in this regard and wish for the abundance of city and district squares, meeting places and culture to be maintained. At the same time, they suggest that bicycle lanes and signalling be improved, and safety be increased. They furthermore express their desire for more (interim) use of free spaces with alternative ideas that foster diversity and consider various different needs.

Participation and information: According to the study participants, information about urban development, planning and discussions in the urban area should be published more widely and more often. New formats for participative processes and networks for the dissemination of information are therefore needed. Respondents also expressed their urgent wish to introduce voting and electoral rights or specific rights of participation at community/district level for foreigners.

More detailed information on the study and the recommended action can be found in the final report. You can find a short overview of the study on the project page.