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Institute for Risk & Insurance

The Institute for Risk and Insurance is the center of competence for economic and sociological issues in the insurance industry. With our involvement in degree programs and continuing education, we make a important contribution to professional qualification opportunities in Switzerland in the topics of Insurance and Reinsurance Management, Risk Management, Digital Transformation and Insurance Broking.

Core Competencies

As a competent partner in research and consulting, we contribute to scientifically clarify, present challenges and exploration of issues in the insurance industry. The overarching goal is to always use these studies for the benefit of insurance customers or companies and to set the course for the sustainable development of the insurance industry.
The Institute for Risk & Insurance enjoys the support of the Swiss Insurance Association. In addition, we maintain an exchange with our permanent Advisory Board(PDF 81,1 KB). These are personalities from the insurance industry who volunteer and provide the opportunity for exchange and feedback. We value this interfacing function of board to sharpen our educational offerings and highlight at the same time where we generate added value for the market as a university of applied sciences.

Research and Consulting

In applied research, we prefer to focus on new questions that arise due to changes or challenges in today's insurance industry. In the course of our lively exchange with knowledge carriers in the industry, we repeatedly find that structured thinking and research work can make an important value contribution to sustainable development in the insurance industry. It is in our nature to approach this task in a practical and scientific way. Thanks to our team and its national and international networking in academia and industry practice, we are able to gather the full range of necessary knowledge and make it particularly useful for our research partners. Please contact us if you have a particular topics in your mind, that you want to follow up.

The boundaries between research and consulting are not clearly defined for application-oriented issues. For this reason, most of our consulting projects contain aspects of research and vice-versa. We offer consultancy services in the following areas:

Examples of current assignments include market analysis, the preparation of development scenarios, and the creation of a concept for a specific problem.