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Media Presence Archive


Sustainability as an Opportunity in Markets

Universities of applied sciences are at the interface between global business and corporate responsibility. Sustainability, confirmed by Dr. Ina-Maria Walthert, is a must for companies of all industries and sizes.

Read the entire article(PDF 495,1 KB) (in German)


"Positive Business Projects": Collaboration of Students, Lecturers, and Companies

As part of the "Corporate Responsibility" module, students get to work with partner companies on project tasks in the field of sustainability management for one semester. Dr. Fridolin Brand talked to the SML magazine COMPETENCE.

Read the entire article(PDF 96,6 KB) (in German)


Companies and Human Rights

Herbert Winistörfer talks about companies respecting human rights and the results of a recently published study. In this, the Center for Corporate Responsibility collaborated with the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre (BHRRC) in London in analyzing the 20 top-selling German corporations and how they deal with human rights.

Read the entire article(PDF 516,8 KB) (in German)


Sustainability – Not Higher, Faster, or Further

In an interview with d-inside, Herbert Winistörfer explains why our resource consumption is not declining, even though the international community has been setting sustainability goals for decades, and whether it is possible to create a global economy that produces more and more goods and services sustainably.

Read the entire article(PDF 322,2 KB) (in German)


Outside in, Not Inside out: How Companies’ Perspective on Sustainability Is Reversing

For the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved, companies must change their way of thinking. In the current issue of the SML magazine COMPETENCE Herbert Winistörfer, Dr. Ina-Maria Walthert and Marie-Christin Weber talk about the change from an "inside-out perspective" to an "outside-in perspective" that needs to take place.

Read the entire article(PDF 162,4 KB) (in German)

20 Minuten

Are My Cheap Clothes Really a Problem?

According to Greenpeace, global sales of clothing almost doubled between 2002 and 2015. Many consumers wonder whether you can still buy cheap clothes with a clear conscience today. Herbert Winistörfer discusses this topic in an interview he gave to "20 Minuten".

Read the entire article (in German)


Corporate Responsibility: Doing Good and Talking About It

Gone are the days when a company’s only goal was short-term profit maximization. Today, companies should contribute to solving social problems. In an interview with the university magazine ZHAW-Impact Herbert Winistörfer talks about how the Center for Corporate Responsibility addresses this issue.

Read the entire article(PDF 109,9 KB) (in German)


Role and Social Responsibility of University Business Schools

As a university, we have an obligation not only to impart knowledge and skills to students, but to train them to become ethically and socially responsible managers. Herbert Winistörfer and Marie-Christin Weber show in the SML magazine COMPETENCE how the ZHAW School of Management and Law implements this requirement.

Read the entire article(PDF 234,5 KB) (in German)

Brot für alle DOSSIER

"The Political Will is Crucial"

On behalf of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), Herbert Winistörfer has examined the importance of CSR standards for Swiss companies. His findings indicate that companies would welcome regulatory measures.

Read the entire article(PDF 86,2 KB) (in German)

Zürcher Wirtschaft

Being Successful and Responsible

Companies committed to sustainability are often accused of greenwashing. How can purely cosmetic measures be distinguished from a more professional approach? The new textbook written by Herbert Winistörfer and Dr. Fridolin Brand presents the basics of serious sustainability management and shows how it promotes company success.

Read the entire article(PDF 185,2 KB) (in German)