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dokspot - Linking Physical Products with Digital Information

At a glance

  • Project leader : Prof. Dr. Marc Rennhard
  • Project team : Moritz Zollinger
  • Project budget : CHF 7'500
  • Project status : completed
  • Funding partner : CTI
  • Project partner : dokspot GmbH
  • Contact person : Marc Rennhard


The project objective is to develop an architectural framework for dokspot 2.0 including a high level project plan for implementation. In addition to the general features of dokspot 2.0 (described above under 2. Background) a security concept (or at least security requirements in areas where a security concept cannot be formulated within the project) for dokspot 2.0 should be formulated. A specific focus should be placed on the integrity protection (tamper protection) of textual, audio and video data.