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Research activities School of Engineering

The latest publications and projects from the School of Engineering.



  • Technology-supported stress management training for professionals in the nursing profession

    A high level of stress is documented among nursing students, which has a negative impact on their health, satisfaction and ability to remain in the profession. Problematic interactions that place high demands on emotional self-control are considered to be a major stressor. Measures to promote competence in dealing ...


  • Enabling manufacturing companies to implement the circular economy through the use of data (BePro-CEND)

  • ThingsAtScale – Audit Logging, Robustness and Resilience in Large-Scale Cloud-Based IoT Event Processing

    The objectives of the ThingsAtScale project encompass various advances beyond the state of technology in software stacks for IoT/LoRaWAN, in particular the The Things Stack (TTS) Cloud. It is comprised of research and development tasks around TTS, in particular related to the two main topics audit logging and ...

  • Zero-Config Event Monitoring System (ZEMS)

    ZEMS provides radio connectivity for fire penetration seals located in harsh environments. Combining the proposed zero-configuration mesh protocol with proven LoRa communication enables a radically new approach to managing such seals through cloud-based sensors, unlocking completely new markets.  ...