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Market Surveys on Coaching in Switzerland

What do coaches understand by 'coaching' and by 'field of practice'?

The Market Survey on Coaching in Switzerland was conducted for the third time, once again in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) and the coaching associations BSO, EMCC, ICF, SCA and SSCP.  This survey used most of the items from the previous surveys, so that changes could be identified, such as changes in training, services, ‘average coaching’ and clients.

Focus 2012
The focus of this survey was the question of fields of practice in coaching: What do coaches understand by ‘coaching’ and by ‘field of practice’? There are other surveys on the coaching market in German-speaking regions, but they have different priority areas, such as the Coaching Survey Germany conducted by Peter-Paul Gross and Michael Stephan with the German Federal Association of Executive Coaching (DBVC).

This survey was conducted in March and April 2012.

Project leader
