Institute of Computational Life Sciences
AWACS – Animal Welfare Assessment and Control System for Fish Farms
Urban Blue offers software solutions for land-based aquaculture farms, which include technical and operational aspects. With this innovation project, fish-based aspects are developed to complete the software. This way Urban Blue can provide a comprehensive farm management system that incorporated fish health and ...
Optimizing plant health in indoor farming using reinforcement learning
The research question we tackle in this project is "How can we automatically optimize the growth path of indoor-farming plants?". To achieve this goal, we develop new algorithms to measure plant health and growth. We then evaluate reinforcement learning based approaches to optimize these metrics. ...
Transformer Networks for Drone Signals
Shapescience – AI for morpholigcally based fruit variety recognition
Pomological and molecular genetic methods have been the tools of choice to describe fruit varieties and their characteristics. Thanks to the possibility of using 3D scanning technology and machine learning, there is a revival of phenotyping, i.e. the typification of fruits based on their appearance. The ...
Optimization of online education systems with reinforcement learning
The research question we tackle in this project is "Can we simultaneously increase student engagement and retainment by optimizing the order of exercises in online education courses?". To achieve this goal, we develop new algorithms to measure student engagement and retainment. We then evaluate reinforcement ...
Automated Release Testing System (ARTS)
Acthera Therapeutics AG and ZHAW propose to build an Automated Release Testing System(ARTS) for mechanotherapeutic drugs. The device is important for Acthera for testing new drugliposome formulations, controlling quality, keeping an edge over competition and collaborating with regulatory bodies. ...
Employing Natural Language Processing to identify inconsistencies in companies’ non-financial communication
NLP &ML tools for Swiss asset managers and owners for identifying inconsistencies in companies’ financial and non-financial communication
Simulation-based comparison of an end-to-end and a platform configuration for injection molding line
The project partner received two layout proposals for a new production line and wanted to compare them in terms of their suitability and performance. In the injection molding process, failure of individual injection molding cavities can occur, which leads to systematic or random missing parts. The system's ...
PE(K)O Sustain – Physically modified oils as sustainable alternative to tropical fats for the baking and sweet goods industry
Optical Character and Content Recognition for Intelligent M-Learning Platform
We plan to develop a novel, data-driven, student-centric “blended-learning platform”, where the advantages of m-learning platforms and human coaching are combined. In order to enable the envisioned learning platform, a matching module will be developed to match a student in need of assistance with a suitable ...
Extension SARS-CoV-2 Intervention modelling
Classification of drone signals
Predictive Analytics for Hospital Supply Chain Management
Preliminary/feasibility study for a comprehensive AI-based solution in hospitals for demand-oriented assortment and efficient inventory Management ordering with a focus on security of supply and cost Efficiency planning of reprocessing planning of personnel deployment cost and income planning ...
Designing Business Models for the IoT
This project aims at developing a business model simulation software for evaluating IoT business models. The holistic approach leverages advanced simulation methods and will create new revenue opportunities for Swiss manufacturing companies.
A top-down indicator of lean-green alignment in small and medium-sized enterprises
To address the challenge from global warming, the UNFCCC has given rise to several initiatives to channel financial capital into decarbonization efforts. Among investors, demand increasing for investment vehicles that offer both environmental sustainability as well as economic performance benefits. We aim to design ...
Digital Simulation of the Swiss Vaccination Center Winterthur
Digital Tools for Codon Optimization
This project proposes to develop, study and apply mathematical models to optimize protein production of a gene that stems from one organism in a different organism. The focus will lie specifically on genes involved in the biosynthesis of suberin. Suberin is a carbon-rich decay-resistant biopolyester, found majorly ...
Smart Learning Spaces for Students
Machine learning for NMR spectroscopy
The goal of this project is to make NMR spectroscopy available to a wider range of applications and to non-experts by the automation of data reduction and analysis steps, in particular by combining deep learning methods for the extraction and a Bayesian approach for the integration and refinement of information. ...
Dynamik Knowledge Platform